expp wrote:
I thitnk that is simple.
what are you referring to ?
first, the disappointment issue...
my objects use commons lang to implement toString().
I forgot point to common-lang.jar on edit configuration dialog.
When I retrieve entities on simple query eclipse "self-muder against the wall". It shows error message box infinitely . Ok button close it but new message box opens instantly. As result I cant corect close eclipse, and forced to shoot it.
If you could put this in a jira issue with infomration about when and what the error message contains then I would have a chance of fixing it.
Because it is the users classes I have to load and instantiate I can't always control/enclose their behavior; but I can do it in most cases and there might be place were I did not guard it enough....to find those I need bugreports about them (or accidently bump into them my self)
As result I loose my configuration \.metadata\.plugins\org.hibernate.eclipse.console\hibernate-console.xml-16
I think that it is trivial to catch and handle tihs exception.
Again, if users aren't telling me what is going wrong I can't really fix it.
(note; the issue about loosing the config file is in jira and i'm looking into it)
second, is cosmetic issue...
Why I can't point to properties files when configure class path. as example, this feature required for configure OScache.
I don't understand how adding a non zip/jar *file* to the classpath can ever make sense ?
There is a question: "Why session configuration isn't simple file in workspace as hib.cfg.xml?" and why it not aligned for comfortable editing.
original reason: a hibernate console configuration can be used by many projects.
in the future we will loosen this up and make it possible to have "local" definitions.
p.s. these questions should be in a seperate more apropriate thread and/or jira and not under the thread that is looking for people contributing patches :)