Hi. I'm in desperate need in my project to have a Criteria.Count property because I dont want to build HQL dinamicaly. But I'm having a few problems and would like if someone could give me a hand. I've copied the concept for a patch that existed for hibernate 2.1
I have the Patch for nhibernate (diff) for the latest CVS build. I'm not sure what is not working. Basically what this is doing is changing the in the CriteriaLoader the SqlString with a
sqlBuilder.SetSelectClause(" count(*) ");
When I take a look at the resulting SQL in the log files everything looks fine, except the NHybridDataReader is not returning result.
How and where can I post the patch file and is anyone available to give the code a look (it is still not commented and pretty but there is a UnitTest in FumTest fixture)