I too am mystified and frustrated.trying to find the code. The current version of the Hibernate Core Reference references directories that don't exist in the distribution. (I have searched for them recursively under the distribution's top-level directory, so even if the answer is supposed to be something like "look in project", or"look in project/src", they are not there. This is beyond frustrating. The Hibernate documentation appears to be excellent, and the getting started examples seem decent, but I can't even begin to work on them.
- page xi: doc/reference/tutorial/
- page xii and page 1: eg/
- page 1: tutorials/web
- page 1: src/main/webapp
- page 4: src/main/java/org/hibernate/tutorial/domain
I realize that some of these may be directories I am supposed to create as I follow along in the tutorial, but I can't tell which ones.