1. If Hibernate search does hit the DB for every search, then how does it give better performance than a normal DB query?
Hibernate Search does not search against the database. Per default Search will execute the search against the Lucene index to determine the entity ids which match the search query. Then it will load this entities from the database using plain old Hibernate. The advantage of course is that you always work with manages objects. The benefit of Lucene is that it is a freetext search engine. It offers functionality like wildcard search, fuzzy search, proximity search, etc. All this is not available to you in a normal DB query. The LIKE queries you would use in a direct DB query are just not as powerful and perform not as well as Lucene queries.
If you don't need fulltext search capabilities you can of course use HQL instead. In fact nothing stops you using a mixed apporach - where you use HQL for 'traditional' queries and Hibernate Search for fulltext queries.
2. If I use Store.YES for the indexed field, the data is available in the index. Even then why does Hibernate hit the DB when searching for it?
Because the aim is to work with managed entities. The developer does not have to shift his programming paradigm.
3. Suppose my indexed entity has @IndexedEmbedded annotations for including related entities. If an indexed field changes in one of these related index. Will the whole lucene index be updated or only the section for this field be updated?
Lucene Documents can not be updated. Effectively the document gets deleted and reinserted. That's just the way Lucene works.
4. Suppose I index a collection of entities. Will the automatic updation of indexes work even if I retrieve data using projections?