I'm having a similar problem. I also want to update the index via a TimerTask because I get updates of my database from a third party. So I can not benefit of the Hibernate Search transparent index synchronization.
And I can not determine which entities have changed.
So I tried the folowing:
public void indexInitialization() {
org.hibernate.search.jpa.FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = org.hibernate.search.jpa.Search.createFullTextEntityManager(em);
Query query = em.createNamedQuery("findAllUnlockedUserfood");
List<Userfood> userfoods = query.getResultList();
for (Userfood userfood : userfoods) {
// Force the (re)indexing of the userfood
This method is called e.g. every week.
But this method increases the file size of my index even if there are no changes in the database.
Do I have to remove the old Entities from the index before I force the reindex process with the index(Object o) method? Or is there a different approach to do it?
PS: I'm using Hibernate Search 3.0.1 GA
Thanks for your help!