I try to integrate Spring 2.5.5, Hibernate (3.2.6) as a JPA provider using annotations (Hibernate-annotations 3.3.1.GA + hibernate-entitymanager
3.3.2.GA) which seems to rely on asm-1.5.3. For the DAO part is works fine.
When I try to integrate the DAO part with web service part using Spring and CXF 2.1.2, I got a error at startup for the creation of the entity manager :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/CodeVisitor. CXF uses
asm-2.2.3 where the class can't be found (actually, it is in asm-1.5.3) What does it mean ? Should I have to give up CXF or Hibernate annotations, make a choice beetween both ? Is it any tricks to work around this issue ?
Thanks for any advice.