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 Post subject: Proposed solution for lazy loading of optional OneToOne
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:45 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:18 pm
Posts: 10

Here's a proposed solution to the limitations of the OneToOne discussed in the following Hibernate article: http://www.hibernate.org/162.html#A3.

How about introducing a generic wrapper class that would be used when we want a lazy loading OneToOne? For instance:

public EntityA {
    private OneToOneWrapper<EntityB> entityB;

    @OneToOne(fetch=LAZY, optional=true)
    public OneToOneWrapper<EntityB> getEntityB() {
        return this.entityB;

    private void setEntityB(OneToOneWrapper<EntityB> entityB) {
        this.entityB = entityB;


The contract of such a relationship would be that the getter NEVER returns null. Instead, the wrapper class would contain a "isNull" method that would try to lazy load the entity that it wraps and then tell us if something was found or not.

EntityA a = em.find(EntityA.class, thePkValue);
if (a.getEntityB().isNull()) { // the call to isNull would trigger a query if the entity is not already loaded
    // do something...

To read/write the value, we would use a getValue/setValue defined on the wrapper class:

EntityA a = em.find(EntityA.class, thePkValue);
EntityB b = a.getEntityB().getValue(); // with the use of generics, no need for casting


EntityB newB = new EntityB();

This is why the setter (setEntityB) is private. We always go through the wrapper class to get/set the value of the relationship. Just like the "isNull" method, the "getValue" and "setValue" method of the wrapper would trigger a query when needed.

The limitations that exist right now is because we have the entity itself as the target of the relationship. If we replace that with a wrapper class that has a clear contract, I think it would solve the problem. What do you guys think?

 Post subject: looks good
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:27 pm 

Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:23 pm
Posts: 11
As a non hibernate expert and after a lot of headeach trying to have this OneTo[Zero|One] relationship lazy I think your solution is the best..
I really don't like to declare ManyToOne with unique='true' to simulate this...
So I hope my post will help yours to be noticed by a real hibernate expert which could tell us why it is or not a good solution.

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