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 Post subject: getting empty list from full text query
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:53 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:13 pm
Posts: 3
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I have the following code snippet where in some cases the call to ftQuery.getResultSize() returns > 0 but the ftQuery.list() actually returns an empty list. I have several test cases and only in some cases does this situation arise. This seems similar to the issue in post (http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=980700).

            // wrap Lucene query in a org.hibernate.Query
            FullTextQuery ftQuery = fullTextSession.createFullTextQuery(query, returnTypes);
            // Log the query we are using

            // execute search
            retObj = ftQuery.list();

            logger.debug("### results size: " + ftQuery.getResultSize() + ", results: " + retObj);

when I output the actual query hibernate is running and run it in TOAD the query works fine given the values from the ID field. I ran the lucene query in Luke and the number of results matches the ones from the sysout above.

I should mention that on my entity the ID is a composite class.

Here is the FieldBridge I wrote for the composite key.
public class SearchTermsViewIdFieldBridge implements TwoWayStringBridge {
   public String objectToString(Object arg0) {
      String retString = null;
      if (arg0 instanceof SearchTermsViewId) {
         SearchTermsViewId id = (SearchTermsViewId)arg0;
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         retString = sb.append(id.getSearchRef()).append("_")
      return retString;

   public Object stringToObject(String arg0) {
      String[] fields = arg0.split("_");
      SearchTermsViewId id = new SearchTermsViewId();
      return id;

For example, the following 2 lucene queries get hits, but the ftQuery.list() returns an empty list:

example 1: searchTerm.searchTermString:steak*
example 2: searchTerm.searchTermString:italian*

however, the following lucene query gets hits and ftQuery.list() returns correct number of ojbects:
+searchTerm.searchTermString:steak* +searchTerm.searchTermString:angus*

I'm using Hibernate version: 3.3.0 and Hibernate Search: 3.1.0.GA and Spring 2.5

Any suggestions?

 Post subject: getting empty list from full text query.. more info
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:16 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:13 pm
Posts: 3
i traced thru the Hibernate Search classes and found the following:

the ObjectLoaderHelper.initializeObjects method makes these 2 calls and the Criteria.list is returning an empty list even though the disjunction contains valid ids and they are in the correct order.

criteria.add( disjunction );
criteria.list(); //load all objects

i printed the idName and ids that are passed to the
disjunction.add( Restrictions.in( idName, ids ) );

when the following are used, the criteria.list creates an empty list
idName:id, ids: [1006 EVENT 1008, 1006 FACILITY 1014, 1063 EVENT 1008, 1063 FACILITY 1014, 1305 FACILITY 1014, 1305 EVENT 1008]

when the following ids are used the criteria.list returns expected results
idName:id, ids: [1182 FACILITY 1003]

are there known issues with composites IDs and using the disjunction class?

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