Nice work on shards. It looks very cool. I have some really basic questions about it, since I'm trying to figure out if it is a solution for a problem I have (and to understand where shards would be called for for future work). I'm going to have to apologize in advance for any rambling. It's been a long day so far.
1. Is it possible to get a tarball of the example code?
2. What requirements does shards have on the database configuration, re partitioning? Does the database need to be partitioned using the database mechanism (such as
MySQL 5.1, or
Postgresql 8.x )? Is it possible to simply have multiple DB schemas (mapping one schema per shard), assuming that the schemas are identical (say for mysql < 5.1 or postgresql < 8.0).
Some notes in the docs.
1. section 2.2, the createSessionFactory. the 3 lines for the "shardConfigs.add(new ....("shard0.hibernate.cfg.xml) (and shard1, shard2) doesn't match the two config/map filenames (weather0.hibernate.cfg.xml and weather1.hibernate.cfg.xml)
This is where I also noticed that the connection url, username and password were all identical for the two listed weather0 and weather1 configs
Also, in the section talking about how these configs have to be identical (except for url/user/pass), it has some discussion on how changes are ignored. What happens if one of these files is different at load time (which one does it use, or does it throw an exception?[url][/url]
Thats it off the top of my head. If I find more, I'll post it here.
Tx for releasing a very cool product!