Dear Emmanuel,
I found out the cause for my error already.
It is because I didn't include hibernate-validator.jar in my project and jboss lib folder also doesn't have the jar file.
1. The strange thing is I don't really use Hibernate Validator in my coding, but why must I include this jar file? Any idea?
2. Like this case, Jboss does not have hibernate-validator.jar, so you mean you usually copy this file to the Jboss folder instead of attached with project correct? and if the jboss jar file is older than the one you use in development eg hibernate3.jar, you will replace this correct? will this affect the Jboss itself?
3. If i include jar file in project and Jboss lib directory also has the same jar but different version, do you know which jar will it use?
4. By the way, if you update the jar files in server instead of "bundle" with each application, when you update the hibernate3.jar in the server, existing applications that are running fine will be affected right? Would like to listen to your experience.
Please advise.
_________________ Thank you.