Hello, I am attempting to use Hibernate Validator on my project (3.0.0ga with Hibernate 3.2.1).
I have several entities that contain components (i.e. a POJO with the @Embeddable annotation). I also have domain objects that inherit from a superclass POJO that contains auditing fields e.g. last updated time, last updated user etc.
The problem I am experiencing is that the DDL generated by Hibernate Validator is ignoring the validator annotations on the components and superclass fields e.g.
@Entity(table = "myTable")
public class MyEntity {
public Address getAddress() {
return address;
@Column(name = "myColumn")
@Length(max = 10)
public String getMyColumn () {
return myColumn;
public class Address {
@Column(name = "city")
@Length(max = 20)
public String getCity() {
return city;
When hbm2ddl runs it generates something similar to the following DDL
create myTable (
city varchar(255) null, <-- should be varchar(20) not null
myColumn varchar(10) not null
i.e. Hibernate Validator has correctly applied the Validator annotations to the fields in MyEntity but it has ignored the validator annotations on the embedded Address component.
I have a similar issue with inherited properties i.e. the validator annotations on those properties are ignored in the generated DDL. The actual validation of the components and inherited properties *is* working - its just that the generated database schema is wrong.
Is this just a limitation of Hibernate Validator or is it supposed to be able to generate the correct DDL for components and inherited properties (i.e. have I configured something wrong)?