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 Post subject: Unexpected behaviour MustJunction
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:32 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2003 7:22 pm
Posts: 211

I have a MustJunction that is not doing what I think it should
Let's say we want to select a bunch of documents based on ids.
AFAIK, the following way would be the way to do it.

BooleanJunction sj = qb.bool();
for(String id : ids){
   sj = sj.should(

Query q = mj.bool().must(

I would expect Query q to be: +(id:1 id:2 id:3)
However, it is: id:1 id:2 id:3
Returning all records

When I add the following, everything works as expected:

BooleanJunction sj = qb.bool();
for(String id : ids){
   sj = sj.should(

MustJunction mj = qb.bool().must(sj.createQuery());
Query q = mj.must(

Query q to be: +(id:1 id:2 id:3) +abc:true

Even though it can be argued that a MustJunction should at least contain two queries, I think this should be considered a bug. Unless, there is a different way to achieve what I want.

Kind regards,

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