If the configuration parameter max_fetch_depth is not set and there is no default how does hibernate know when to stop adding JOINs to its' SQL statement?
For example, suppose in my model I have 10 entities, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J.
A has a 1:1 association with B, B has a 1:1 association with C, C has 1:1 to D and this pattern continues right down to J.
Hibernate always fetches both sides of 1:1 relationship when either side of the relationship is being read, there is no way to stop hibernate doing this.
Does this mean if I issue an em.refresh() or issue a em.find() on a A instance that I will end up generating a SQL statement that will read from A,B,C,D,E......... J?
Kind regards