I know this is a work in progress, but I've already committed my self to using this framework and have found workarounds to all problems so far.
After attempting to migrate to Hibernate Search v3beta1 and not seeing some problems resolved, I decided to post this forum topic.
I may have found 2 bugs in these implementations of Hibernate Search.
A. Hibernate Search v3.0.0 beta1
B. Hibernate Search support in hibernate-annotations-3.2.1.GA
The first problem:
If I configure a post-update lucene event listener, Hibernate Search will insert a new index entry -- a duplicate -- when I update a column. This causes duplicates in search results that include any updated domain instance.
The second problem:
When I delete a domain object, the lucene index entry is not deleted, and no exception is thrown.
I am using Spring JPA + Hibernate Entity Mgr. In this setup, Hibernate Search always correctly inserts a new lucene document for every newly persisted domain instance. The post-insert event works perfectly.
However, since deletion does not work (the second problem), I must(?) use the lucene API to delete the document, without the benefit of Hibernate Search's transaction support. It would be really nice to get rid of this work around, and be able to delete lucene documents w/out resorting to the lucene API.
I assume that most people using Hibernate Search use the Hibernate entity-mgrs and native sessions, not Spring JPA. But it "almost" works for me.
Are these problems known to any of the Hibernate Search developers / users?