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 Post subject: Optional assigned primary keys with @Id @GeneratedValue?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:23 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:04 pm
Posts: 4
Hi there,

I have an entity whose primary key getter is tagged @Id @GeneratedValue, which is how I normally want it to behave.

However, I also want to export my tables using a Java task, clear the tables (e.g. for schema changes) and re-import the records under the same primary key they previously held.

Unfortunately, setting my primary key attribute seems to have no effect once I call em.persist() or em.merge().

This is essentially what I'm doing:

EntityTransaction tx = em.createTransaction();
while (record = read()) {
    MyThing thing = new MyThing();

Interestingly, when I run my import process from a data set of 810 files, I end up with 514 records in my table, and they all have generated IDs between 1 and 514, whereas the original IDs range, with some gaps, from 1 to 850 or so.

Removing the @GeneratedValue from my primary key getter temporarily allows me to import my records under their original keys, but I would really like to find some way to do so that doesn't require changing and recompiling my entity class. :)

Is there another JPA annotation, or failing that, a proprietary Hibernate annotation I can add that will allow me to accomplish what I'm trying to do?


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