i rebuilt my entire project again re-importing package by package to narrow down the problem after finding that the part of the application i was trying to run would run outside of my project.
I found it was an unrelated error in another part of the application that had nothing to do with my ftpImporter package. It's kinda of strange because even though ftpImporter does not initialize the class CollectionCC anywhere at anytime even indirectly an error on this line in CollectionCC which references a non-existent persistance unit:
private static EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("CollectionEntryPU");
if i change it to an existing persistance unit
private static EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("Collection_ReporterPU");
now it works but why would this be even though like i said nothing ever initializes CollectionCC. Well i should say what is initializing it?
Does anybody know why?[/code]