I think I found the way to postulate my question better than in my last post, so here it goes ...
Can we override only simple properties in embeddables via annotations, or somehow overriding element collection properties can be achieved too somehow ?
Since properties of collection of value objects such as List of Strings (annotated by @CollectionOfElements) require separate table, that means overriding would need to allow some way of specifying name of table where this collection will be stored, thus overriding @JoinTable "name" value inside Embeddable. Same as overriding some simple property via @AttributeOverride allows changing name of column specified by @Column inside Embeddable. But in case of collection properties, whole table name should be allowed to be specified in overriding process.
As I can see by reading the annotations docs, there is no something like "tableName" inside overriding annotations (@AttributeOverride or @AssociationOverride).