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 Post subject: Tuplizer/Custom ProxyFactory for EJB3
PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:00 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:47 am
Posts: 9

I am not using a hibernate.cfg.xml or mapping files, only annotations and persistence.xml.

1) Can I specify a custom, global Tuplizer without having to recreate all my mappings in a mapping file (ie, can I configure a TuplizerFactory or something)?

2) I am looking to implement Collections/Entity filtering based on many different criteria (not SQL criteria, but in code). Can I filter Collections as they are being populated via code, and can I restrict instantiation of entities in code?

The scenario is this: I am going to have plenty of ACL patterns defined in memory, and I would like to plug the code in at the O/R level to filter collections and also return null for ToOne mappings that are accessing a restricted entity. I understand @Filter's and such will give me functionality like this at the SQL level, but I need it in code.



 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:15 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:54 am
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Location: Paris, France
1. is on my todo list

2. override the event lisnteners, it's probably the best way.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:05 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:47 am
Posts: 9
thanks for implementing the #1, I have found another sollution using cglib proxies, but it would be nice to move that cleanly into the O/R framework rather than adding another layer of bytecode hacking on top of everything.

As far as #2 goes, how would I filter ejb3 associations using ejb3 annotations? I might be a noob, but I didn't think they can be applied to things like @ManyToOne, @OneToMany, and @OneToOne... do ejb3 filters allow you to filter the *selection* of these entities as they are returned from methods marked with these annotations?

Again, thanks for all the hard work.


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