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 Post subject: 'Abstract Entity' annotation ?? MappedSuperClass unusable
PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:18 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:01 am
Posts: 6

Since i didn't get any info, i'm trying to rephrase my question (previous question below in quote) :

It turns out one cannot use a @MappedSuperClass in a hibernate query with Criteria.

In the hbm-file approach, this was possible by specifying an entity as 'abstract' like this :

<class name="Module" abstract="true">...

That way, hibernate constructed a union-query going through the tables of subclasses, since my Module-class has no table equivalent.

Now it seems i need to find the annotations-way to get the same thing:
Use a Module-object to query through subclasses of Module.

Anyone have a clue about what annotation to use ?



I've got the following problem :

I'm stuck with an existing DB-system that wasn't too well designed.
Now i'm trying to build a web-application to access it.
What i'm trying to do now is build a search-page.

I have two tables called Applmod & Communicator
Both contain entities called 'Modules' to the system, but the Communicator ones have more specific members.

With regular hibernate mapping files, i was able to do the following :
- create an abstract entitity called Module that contains the common members of both Applmod & Communicator (like applmodid, etc.)
The configuration Module.hbm.xml is something like :

<class name="Module" abstract="true">
<property name="applmodid"></property>
<union-subclass name="Applmod" table="APPLMOD">
<union-subclass name="Communicator" table="COMMUNICATOR">

Now what i was able to do is to do a hibernate query on Module, where the respons that i got was a list containing both Applmod & Communicator objects mixed together.

Now with the new annotations i don't succeed in querying the Module class anymore, since, as it turns out, if a class is not annotated as Entity , it's not loaded by an AnnotatedSessionFactory.

In the documentation they talk about MappedSuperClasses and the likes , but they have the same problem. Mapping Module as @Entity doesn't work, since it doesn't exist as a physical table.

Does anyone have experience/ideas about how i can get it to work with Annotations ?

Thanks !


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:53 pm 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:54 am
Posts: 7256
Location: Paris, France
Inheritance TABLE_PER_CLASS is the equivalent to union-subclass


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