Hibernate version:
Hibernate 3.2.0 CR5 / EntityManager 3.2.0 CR3 / Annotations 3.2.0 CR3
(will try 3.2.0 GA soon)
Hello all,
I've been experiencing some problems while trying to make Hibernate work in Sun Appserver 9 (as in Project Glassfish) + Hibernate + MS SQL Server 2005 (using JDBC driver version 1.1).
It seems to me I may have some problem with the JARs. I can connect to the database inside NetBeans, retrieve tables, create Entity beans from the database tables. The trouble is when I deploy the package (a simple webservice performing new Entity() + entityManager.persist()).
For starters, could someone shed a light on what are the jars that I should include in my libraries? I have incuded all JARs in hibernate/*.jar, hibernate/lib/*.jar, entitymanager/*.jar entitymanager/lib/*.jar. But it seems to me i'm not doing the right thing. (Also, i've included the jar from MS SQL Server 2005 and i'm having some trouble setting the connection properly... altough it does work inside NetBeans... but for now, knowing which JARs to import would help me a lot).
I thank you all in advance,