Marioko wrote:
I starting to learn EJB3 JPA, and i using Hibernate as persistence provider, how can i execute a QBE in JPA or mixing native QBE with JPA??
( (Sesison) entityManager.getDeletage() ).createCriteria(...);
On the othe hand, how autogenerate database table from annotated entities?
same as hibernate core, by using the hbm2ddl property. Check the reference documentations.
i tried with JPA and netbeans 5.5 beta 2 and works perfectly, but when i tried with native hibernate 3.2 (cfg.xml) and hibernate-annotations dont work..
it should :-) download Caveat Emptor, there is a working example.
And a last question, if i use native hibernate 3.2 (cfg.xml) and hibernate-annotations can i use javax.persistence.* annotation or is requeried use org.hibernate.annotations.* ???
yes, hibernate annotations complement the EJB 3 ones