If I try to lookup the above JNDI name remotely (ie from an external GUI client) it returns null
Null? Or a NamingException?
Answers to some of your questions:
1. If I use the Hibernate EntityManager wrapper instead of a Hibernate Session will I get the same error?
Probably. See #4.
2. By using the EntityManager wrapper it means that I have to convert all my Hibernate persistence objects to EJB3 Entity Classes with annotations?
No. Answer to #3 does the trick.
3 Can the EntityManager work with old fashioned hbm.xmls and configurations in the backend?
4 Do I have any other options for making the SessionFactory work both remotely (in the client side) and locally on the server side?
I don't think that is the way it is meant to be used.
Certainly I haven't seen such kind of usage yet.
Classes (SF, Session, ...) are serializable, but that's JNDI requirament + passivation + ...
Consider security, transactions management (what if it is CMT), database connectivity, cache usage (transactional jboss tree cache), ...
Rgds, Ales