Using Hibernate 3.1RC2 + Hibernate Annotation 3.1beta4 works fine (just mapping)
another question is, how don't work CascadeType.PERSIST (3.1beta4 or 3.1beta7)!?!
if i try to use cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.MERGE}
not work like CascadeType.ALL
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Hibernate version: 3.1 final
Mapping documents:
one example (unidirectional):
public class Profile implements Serializable{
private long id;
private Set<User> user = new HashSet<User>();
private String profileName;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
public Set<User> getUser() {
return this.user;
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HibernateUtil.class);
private static Configuration configuration;
private static SessionFactory sessionFactory;
private static final ThreadLocal<Session> threadSession = new ThreadLocal<Session>();
private static final ThreadLocal<Transaction> threadTransaction = new ThreadLocal<Transaction>();
private static final ThreadLocal<Interceptor> threadInterceptor = new ThreadLocal<Interceptor>();
static {
try {"Criando configuration...");
configuration = new AnnotationConfiguration().configure();"Criando sessionFactory...");
sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory();"configuration e sessionFactory criadas.");
} catch (Throwable ex) {
log.error("Erro ao criar sessionFactory",ex);
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
public static void beginTransaction() {
Transaction tx = threadTransaction.get();
if (tx == null) {"Iniciando nova transacao...");
tx = getSession().beginTransaction();
threadTransaction.set(tx);"Transacao iniciada com sucesso.");
public static void closeSession() {
Session session = (Session)threadSession.get();
if (session != null && session.isOpen()) {"Fechando Session...");
session.close();"Session fechada.");
public static Session getSession(){"Pegando uma Session...");
Session session = (Session)threadSession.get();
if( session == null){
if(getInterceptor() != null){
log.debug("Usando interceptor...");
session = getSessionFactory().openSession(getInterceptor());
log.debug("Pegando uma nova Session...");
session = getSessionFactory().openSession();
threadSession.set(session);"Session aberta com sucesso.");
return session;
Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:
No exception, just stop...
Name and version of the database you are using:
Mysql 4.1
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
don't show anything...
Debug level Hibernate log excerpt:
2005-12-15 12:16:13,220 INFO ( - Criando configuration...
2005-12-15 12:16:14,217 INFO ( - Hibernate 3.1
2005-12-15 12:16:14,226 INFO ( - not found
2005-12-15 12:16:14,232 INFO ( - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
2005-12-15 12:16:14,235 INFO ( - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
2005-12-15 12:16:14,662 INFO ( - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
2005-12-15 12:16:14,663 INFO ( - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
2005-12-15 12:16:14,921 DEBUG ( - trying to locate ... on-3.0.dtd in classpath under org/hibernate/
2005-12-15 12:16:14,923 DEBUG ( - found ... on-3.0.dtd in classpath
2005-12-15 12:16:15,273 DEBUG ( - dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
2005-12-15 12:16:15,275 DEBUG ( -
2005-12-15 12:16:15,276 DEBUG ( - connection.url=jdbc:mysql://
2005-12-15 12:16:15,277 DEBUG ( - connection.username=root
2005-12-15 12:16:15,277 DEBUG ( - connection.password=
2005-12-15 12:16:15,278 DEBUG ( -
2005-12-15 12:16:15,279 DEBUG ( - hibernate.c3p0.min_size=5
2005-12-15 12:16:15,279 DEBUG ( - hibernate.c3p0.max_size=20
2005-12-15 12:16:15,284 DEBUG ( - hibernate.c3p0.timeout=1800
2005-12-15 12:16:15,285 DEBUG ( - hibernate.c3p0.max_statements=50
2005-12-15 12:16:15,285 DEBUG ( - show_sql=true
2005-12-15 12:16:15,286 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@3ee284 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,364 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@8a0d5d [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,416 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@13caecd [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,419 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1194a4e [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,617 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@efd552 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,619 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@10b4b2f [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,624 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@18a7efd [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,629 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1971afc [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,631 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@cdedfd [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,634 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@bf2d5e [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,636 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@df8ff1 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,641 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1e97676 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,644 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@19106c7 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,649 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1d4c61c [Attribute: name resource value "br/usp/lsi/contact/schedule/WeekSchedule.hbm.xml"]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,650 INFO ( - Reading mappings from resource: br/usp/lsi/contact/schedule/WeekSchedule.hbm.xml
2005-12-15 12:16:15,652 DEBUG ( - trying to locate ... ng-3.0.dtd in classpath under org/hibernate/
2005-12-15 12:16:15,658 DEBUG ( - found ... ng-3.0.dtd in classpath
2005-12-15 12:16:15,854 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@7bd9f2 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,857 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1e893df [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,859 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1386000 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,865 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1174b07 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,868 DEBUG ( - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@64dc11 [Attribute: name class value ""]
2005-12-15 12:16:15,879 INFO ( - Configured SessionFactory: null
2005-12-15 12:16:15,880 DEBUG ( - properties: {hibernate.connection.password=, 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition, sun.boot.library.path=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/i386, java.vm.version=1.5.0_03-b07, hibernate.connection.username=root, java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc., java.vendor.url=, path.separator=:, HotSpot(TM) Client VM,,, sun.os.patch.level=unknown, Virtual Machine Specification, user.dir=/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2, java.runtime.version=1.5.0_03-b07, java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment,, hibernate.c3p0.max_statements=50, java.endorsed.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/endorsed, os.arch=i386,, line.separator=
, java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.,, sun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8, hibernate.c3p0.timeout=1800, java.library.path=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/i386/client:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/i386:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/../lib/i386:/home/markus/jmf/JMF-2.1.1e/lib:/home/markus/jmf/JMF-2.1.1e/lib:, Platform API Specification, java.class.version=49.0, Client Compiler, os.version=, connection.password=, user.home=/home/markus, user.timezone=Brazil/West, connection.username=root, java.awt.printerjob=sun.print.PSPrinterJob, file.encoding=UTF-8, java.specification.version=1.5, hibernate.c3p0.min_size=5,, show_sql=true,, java.class.path=/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/naming-factory-dbcp.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/jasper-compiler.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/servlet-api.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/commons-el.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/jasper-compiler-jdt.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/naming-factory.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/jasper-runtime.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/jsp-api.jar:/usr/share/tomcat5/common/lib/naming-resources.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/classes:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ant-1.6.5.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ant-antlr-1.6.5.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ant-junit-1.6.5.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/antlr-2.7.5H3.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ant-swing-1.6.5.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/asm.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/asm-attrs.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/c3p0-0.9.0.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/cglib-2.1.2.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/cleanimports.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections-2.1.1.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/javamail.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/jdbc2_0-stdext.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/jlib.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/jta.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.11.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/mysql_connector_java_3_1_10.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/syndiag2.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/velocity-dep.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/velocity-tools-view.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/webwork-2.2-beta-4.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/xml-apis.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/xwork.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/rife-continuations.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/spring-web.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/spring-context.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/spring-beans.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/spring-core.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ognl.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/oscore.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/ejb3-persistence.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate3.jar:/home/markus/work/eclipse3.1/Intranet2/web/WEB-INF/lib/hibernate-annotations.jar, hibernate.show_sql=true, java.vm.specification.version=1.0, java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre,, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:mysql://, hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect, user.language=pt, java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc., hibernate.c3p0.max_size=20, hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, mode, sharing, java.version=1.5.0_03, java.ext.dirs=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/ext, sun.boot.class.path=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/jce.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_03/jre/classes, java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.,, file.separator=/,, java.vendor.url.bug=,, sun.cpu.endian=little, connection.url=jdbc:mysql://, dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect, sun.cpu.isalist=}
2005-12-15 12:16:15,881 INFO ( - Criando sessionFactory...
2005-12-15 12:16:15,882 DEBUG ( - Preparing to build session factory with filters : {}
2005-12-15 12:16:15,882 DEBUG ( - Execute first pass mapping processing
2005-12-15 12:16:15,885 DEBUG ( - Process hbm files
2005-12-15 12:16:16,279 INFO ( - Mapping class: -> WeekSchedule
2005-12-15 12:16:16,430 DEBUG ( - Mapped property: id -> WEEKSCHEDULE_ID
2005-12-15 12:16:16,520 INFO ( - Mapping collection: -> WEEKSCHEDULE_PERIOD
2005-12-15 12:16:16,526 DEBUG ( - Mapped property: days
2005-12-15 12:16:16,528 DEBUG ( - Process annotated classes
2005-12-15 12:16:16,573 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:16,696 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Party
2005-12-15 12:16:16,702 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Party
2005-12-15 12:16:16,979 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:17,015 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,032 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,034 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,043 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,048 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,048 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,049 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,050 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,053 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,054 DEBUG ( - Binding column contacts unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,058 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,099 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,100 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,101 DEBUG ( - Collection role:
2005-12-15 12:16:17,103 DEBUG ( - Building property contacts
2005-12-15 12:16:17,444 DEBUG ( - Cascading contacts with all
2005-12-15 12:16:17,460 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:17,475 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:17,479 DEBUG ( - Binding column Party_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,480 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:17,482 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Organization
2005-12-15 12:16:17,483 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Organization
2005-12-15 12:16:17,517 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:17,533 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,534 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,535 DEBUG ( - Binding column cnpj unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,536 DEBUG ( - Fetching cnpj with JOIN
2005-12-15 12:16:17,539 DEBUG ( - Building property cnpj
2005-12-15 12:16:17,539 DEBUG ( - Cascading cnpj with all
2005-12-15 12:16:17,540 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,541 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,541 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,542 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,543 DEBUG ( - Collection role:
2005-12-15 12:16:17,543 DEBUG ( - Building property parties
2005-12-15 12:16:17,544 DEBUG ( - Cascading parties with all
2005-12-15 12:16:17,545 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,546 DEBUG ( - Binding column isNucleus unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,561 DEBUG ( - binding property isNucleus with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,562 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for isNucleus
2005-12-15 12:16:17,563 DEBUG ( - Building property isNucleus
2005-12-15 12:16:17,564 DEBUG ( - Cascading isNucleus with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,564 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,565 DEBUG ( - Binding column name unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,565 DEBUG ( - binding property name with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,566 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for name
2005-12-15 12:16:17,567 DEBUG ( - Building property name
2005-12-15 12:16:17,567 DEBUG ( - Cascading name with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,568 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:17,576 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:17,576 DEBUG ( - Binding column Party_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,577 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:17,578 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Person
2005-12-15 12:16:17,578 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Person
2005-12-15 12:16:17,580 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:17,583 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,584 DEBUG ( - Binding column firstName unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,585 DEBUG ( - binding property firstName with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,585 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for firstName
2005-12-15 12:16:17,586 DEBUG ( - Building property firstName
2005-12-15 12:16:17,586 DEBUG ( - Cascading firstName with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,587 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,587 DEBUG ( - Binding column middleName unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,588 DEBUG ( - binding property middleName with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,588 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for middleName
2005-12-15 12:16:17,592 DEBUG ( - Building property middleName
2005-12-15 12:16:17,592 DEBUG ( - Cascading middleName with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,593 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,593 DEBUG ( - Binding column lastName unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,594 DEBUG ( - binding property lastName with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,594 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for lastName
2005-12-15 12:16:17,595 DEBUG ( - Building property lastName
2005-12-15 12:16:17,596 DEBUG ( - Cascading lastName with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,596 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,597 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,597 DEBUG ( - Binding column weekSchedule unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,598 DEBUG ( - Fetching weekSchedule with JOIN
2005-12-15 12:16:17,599 DEBUG ( - Building property weekSchedule
2005-12-15 12:16:17,599 DEBUG ( - Cascading weekSchedule with all
2005-12-15 12:16:17,600 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,600 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,704 DEBUG ( - Binding column cpf unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,704 DEBUG ( - Fetching cpf with JOIN
2005-12-15 12:16:17,705 DEBUG ( - Building property cpf
2005-12-15 12:16:17,705 DEBUG ( - Cascading cpf with all
2005-12-15 12:16:17,706 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:17,711 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:17,716 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,717 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=CPF
2005-12-15 12:16:17,717 INFO ( - Bind entity on table CPF
2005-12-15 12:16:17,718 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:17,719 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,722 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,723 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,723 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,724 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,724 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,725 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,725 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,726 DEBUG ( - Binding column value unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,727 DEBUG ( - binding property value with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,727 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for value
2005-12-15 12:16:17,728 DEBUG ( - Building property value
2005-12-15 12:16:17,729 DEBUG ( - Cascading value with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,729 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:17,731 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:17,732 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,733 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=CNPJ
2005-12-15 12:16:17,736 INFO ( - Bind entity on table CNPJ
2005-12-15 12:16:17,736 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:17,738 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,738 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,739 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,740 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,740 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,741 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,741 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,742 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,742 DEBUG ( - Binding column value unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,743 DEBUG ( - binding property value with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,743 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for value
2005-12-15 12:16:17,744 DEBUG ( - Building property value
2005-12-15 12:16:17,745 DEBUG ( - Cascading value with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,745 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:17,748 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:17,749 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=ContactInfo
2005-12-15 12:16:17,749 INFO ( - Bind entity on table ContactInfo
2005-12-15 12:16:17,750 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:17,890 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,891 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,892 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,892 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,893 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,893 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,894 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:17,894 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,895 DEBUG ( - Binding column qualifier unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,895 DEBUG ( - binding property qualifier with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,896 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for qualifier
2005-12-15 12:16:17,898 DEBUG ( - Building property qualifier
2005-12-15 12:16:17,898 DEBUG ( - Cascading qualifier with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,899 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:17,900 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:17,901 DEBUG ( - Binding column ContactInfo_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,902 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:17,902 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Address
2005-12-15 12:16:17,903 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Address
2005-12-15 12:16:17,904 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:17,906 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,907 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,907 DEBUG ( - Binding column cep unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,909 DEBUG ( - Fetching cep with JOIN
2005-12-15 12:16:17,909 DEBUG ( - Building property cep
2005-12-15 12:16:17,910 DEBUG ( - Cascading cep with all
2005-12-15 12:16:17,913 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,914 DEBUG ( - Binding column city unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,914 DEBUG ( - binding property city with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,915 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for city
2005-12-15 12:16:17,915 DEBUG ( - Building property city
2005-12-15 12:16:17,916 DEBUG ( - Cascading city with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,916 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,917 DEBUG ( - Binding column complement unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,918 DEBUG ( - binding property complement with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,918 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for complement
2005-12-15 12:16:17,919 DEBUG ( - Building property complement
2005-12-15 12:16:17,919 DEBUG ( - Cascading complement with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,920 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,920 DEBUG ( - Binding column street unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,921 DEBUG ( - binding property street with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,921 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for street
2005-12-15 12:16:17,923 DEBUG ( - Building property street
2005-12-15 12:16:17,924 DEBUG ( - Cascading street with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,924 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,925 DEBUG ( - Binding column streetType unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,925 DEBUG ( - binding property streetType with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,926 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for streetType
2005-12-15 12:16:17,926 DEBUG ( - Building property streetType
2005-12-15 12:16:17,928 DEBUG ( - Cascading streetType with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,928 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,929 DEBUG ( - Binding column state unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,930 DEBUG ( - binding property state with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,930 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for state
2005-12-15 12:16:17,931 DEBUG ( - Building property state
2005-12-15 12:16:17,931 DEBUG ( - Cascading state with null
2005-12-15 12:16:17,932 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:17,932 DEBUG ( - Binding column number unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,934 DEBUG ( - binding property number with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:17,935 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for number
2005-12-15 12:16:17,935 DEBUG ( - Building property number
2005-12-15 12:16:18,073 DEBUG ( - Cascading number with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,074 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,075 DEBUG ( - Binding column country unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,075 DEBUG ( - binding property country with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,076 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for country
2005-12-15 12:16:18,076 DEBUG ( - Building property country
2005-12-15 12:16:18,077 DEBUG ( - Cascading country with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,078 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,081 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,082 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,082 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=CEP
2005-12-15 12:16:18,083 INFO ( - Bind entity on table CEP
2005-12-15 12:16:18,086 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,087 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,088 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,088 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,089 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,090 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,090 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,091 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,091 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,092 DEBUG ( - Binding column cep unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,092 DEBUG ( - binding property cep with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,093 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for cep
2005-12-15 12:16:18,093 DEBUG ( - Building property cep
2005-12-15 12:16:18,094 DEBUG ( - Cascading cep with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,095 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,098 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,099 DEBUG ( - Binding column ContactInfo_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,099 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:18,100 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=EmailAddress
2005-12-15 12:16:18,101 INFO ( - Bind entity on table EmailAddress
2005-12-15 12:16:18,101 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,103 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,103 DEBUG ( - Binding column email unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,104 DEBUG ( - binding property email with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,104 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for email
2005-12-15 12:16:18,105 DEBUG ( - Building property email
2005-12-15 12:16:18,106 DEBUG ( - Cascading email with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,106 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,108 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,109 DEBUG ( - Binding column ContactInfo_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,112 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:18,112 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=InstantMessenger
2005-12-15 12:16:18,113 INFO ( - Bind entity on table InstantMessenger
2005-12-15 12:16:18,114 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,115 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,116 DEBUG ( - Binding column userId unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,116 DEBUG ( - binding property userId with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,117 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for userId
2005-12-15 12:16:18,117 DEBUG ( - Building property userId
2005-12-15 12:16:18,118 DEBUG ( - Cascading userId with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,118 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,119 DEBUG ( - Binding column provider unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,255 DEBUG ( - binding property provider with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,256 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for provider
2005-12-15 12:16:18,256 DEBUG ( - Building property provider
2005-12-15 12:16:18,257 DEBUG ( - Cascading provider with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,259 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,261 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,262 DEBUG ( - Binding column ContactInfo_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,263 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:18,263 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=PhoneNumber
2005-12-15 12:16:18,264 INFO ( - Bind entity on table PhoneNumber
2005-12-15 12:16:18,267 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,452 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,453 DEBUG ( - Binding column countryCode unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,453 DEBUG ( - binding property countryCode with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,453 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for countryCode
2005-12-15 12:16:18,454 DEBUG ( - Building property countryCode
2005-12-15 12:16:18,454 DEBUG ( - Cascading countryCode with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,455 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,455 DEBUG ( - Binding column areaCode unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,457 DEBUG ( - binding property areaCode with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,458 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for areaCode
2005-12-15 12:16:18,459 DEBUG ( - Building property areaCode
2005-12-15 12:16:18,459 DEBUG ( - Cascading areaCode with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,460 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,461 DEBUG ( - Binding column number unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,462 DEBUG ( - binding property number with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,463 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for number
2005-12-15 12:16:18,463 DEBUG ( - Building property number
2005-12-15 12:16:18,464 DEBUG ( - Cascading number with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,464 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,469 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,469 DEBUG ( - Binding column ContactInfo_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,471 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:18,472 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Ability
2005-12-15 12:16:18,472 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Ability
2005-12-15 12:16:18,473 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,474 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,475 DEBUG ( - Binding column areasOfPerformance unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,476 DEBUG ( - binding property areasOfPerformance with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,476 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for areasOfPerformance
2005-12-15 12:16:18,477 DEBUG ( - Building property areasOfPerformance
2005-12-15 12:16:18,477 DEBUG ( - Cascading areasOfPerformance with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,478 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,479 DEBUG ( - Binding column formation unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,479 DEBUG ( - binding property formation with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,480 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for formation
2005-12-15 12:16:18,480 DEBUG ( - Building property formation
2005-12-15 12:16:18,481 DEBUG ( - Cascading formation with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,483 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,484 DEBUG ( - Binding column interestsOfPerformance unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,485 DEBUG ( - binding property interestsOfPerformance with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,485 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for interestsOfPerformance
2005-12-15 12:16:18,486 DEBUG ( - Building property interestsOfPerformance
2005-12-15 12:16:18,486 DEBUG ( - Cascading interestsOfPerformance with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,487 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,487 DEBUG ( - Binding column urlLattes unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,488 DEBUG ( - binding property urlLattes with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,488 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for urlLattes
2005-12-15 12:16:18,489 DEBUG ( - Building property urlLattes
2005-12-15 12:16:18,489 DEBUG ( - Cascading urlLattes with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,490 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,490 DEBUG ( - Binding column resumeContentType unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,491 DEBUG ( - binding property resumeContentType with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,491 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for resumeContentType
2005-12-15 12:16:18,493 DEBUG ( - Building property resumeContentType
2005-12-15 12:16:18,493 DEBUG ( - Cascading resumeContentType with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,494 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,497 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,498 DEBUG ( - Binding column ContactInfo_id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,498 DEBUG ( - Subclass joined column(s) created
2005-12-15 12:16:18,499 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Attachment
2005-12-15 12:16:18,499 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Attachment
2005-12-15 12:16:18,500 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,501 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,502 DEBUG ( - Binding column url unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,502 DEBUG ( - binding property url with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,502 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for url
2005-12-15 12:16:18,503 DEBUG ( - Building property url
2005-12-15 12:16:18,503 DEBUG ( - Cascading url with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,505 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,507 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,508 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,508 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=TimeRange
2005-12-15 12:16:18,509 INFO ( - Bind entity on table TimeRange
2005-12-15 12:16:18,509 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,513 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,514 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,514 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,514 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,515 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,515 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,516 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,516 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,516 DEBUG ( - Binding column begin unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,518 DEBUG ( - binding property begin with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,518 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for begin
2005-12-15 12:16:18,519 DEBUG ( - Building property begin
2005-12-15 12:16:18,519 DEBUG ( - Cascading begin with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,520 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,520 DEBUG ( - Binding column end unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,520 DEBUG ( - binding property end with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,521 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for end
2005-12-15 12:16:18,521 DEBUG ( - Building property end
2005-12-15 12:16:18,521 DEBUG ( - Cascading end with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,522 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,529 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,529 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,530 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Period
2005-12-15 12:16:18,530 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Period
2005-12-15 12:16:18,532 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,534 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,536 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,536 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,537 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,537 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,538 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,538 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,538 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,539 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,539 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,540 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,598 DEBUG ( - Collection role:
2005-12-15 12:16:18,599 DEBUG ( - Building property timeRanges
2005-12-15 12:16:18,599 DEBUG ( - Cascading timeRanges with all
2005-12-15 12:16:18,603 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,604 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,605 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,606 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Profile
2005-12-15 12:16:18,606 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Profile
2005-12-15 12:16:18,607 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,609 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,609 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,610 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,610 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,611 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,612 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,612 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,613 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,614 DEBUG ( - Binding column profileName unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,615 DEBUG ( - binding property profileName with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,616 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for profileName
2005-12-15 12:16:18,617 DEBUG ( - Building property profileName
2005-12-15 12:16:18,617 DEBUG ( - Cascading profileName with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,618 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,619 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,619 DEBUG ( - Binding column user unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,620 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,621 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,621 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,622 DEBUG ( - Collection role:
2005-12-15 12:16:18,622 DEBUG ( - Building property user
2005-12-15 12:16:18,623 DEBUG ( - Cascading user with persist,refresh
2005-12-15 12:16:18,624 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,627 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,628 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,628 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=Security
2005-12-15 12:16:18,629 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Security
2005-12-15 12:16:18,630 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,634 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,634 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,644 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,646 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,647 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,647 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,648 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,648 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,649 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,650 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,653 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,653 DEBUG ( - Collection role:
2005-12-15 12:16:18,654 DEBUG ( - Building property user
2005-12-15 12:16:18,654 DEBUG ( - Cascading user with all
2005-12-15 12:16:18,655 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,655 DEBUG ( - Binding column grouping unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,656 DEBUG ( - binding property grouping with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,656 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for grouping
2005-12-15 12:16:18,657 DEBUG ( - Building property grouping
2005-12-15 12:16:18,657 DEBUG ( - Cascading grouping with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,658 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,658 DEBUG ( - Binding column name unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,658 DEBUG ( - binding property name with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,659 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for name
2005-12-15 12:16:18,659 DEBUG ( - Building property name
2005-12-15 12:16:18,660 DEBUG ( - Cascading name with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,662 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,662 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,663 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,663 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,779 DEBUG ( - Collection role:
2005-12-15 12:16:18,780 DEBUG ( - Building property profile
2005-12-15 12:16:18,780 DEBUG ( - Cascading profile with all
2005-12-15 12:16:18,781 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,782 DEBUG ( - Binding column action unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,782 DEBUG ( - binding property action with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,783 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for action
2005-12-15 12:16:18,783 DEBUG ( - Building property action
2005-12-15 12:16:18,784 DEBUG ( - Cascading action with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,784 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,790 INFO ( - Binding entity from annotated class: java.lang.Class
2005-12-15 12:16:18,791 DEBUG ( - Binding column TYPE unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,792 DEBUG ( - Import with entity name=User
2005-12-15 12:16:18,794 INFO ( - Bind entity on table Users
2005-12-15 12:16:18,795 DEBUG ( - Processing per property access
2005-12-15 12:16:18,797 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,798 DEBUG ( - Binding column id unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,798 DEBUG ( - id is an id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,799 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,799 DEBUG ( - Building property id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,800 DEBUG ( - Cascading id with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,801 DEBUG ( - Bind @EmbeddedId on id
2005-12-15 12:16:18,801 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,802 DEBUG ( - Binding column null unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,802 DEBUG ( - Binding column person unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,804 DEBUG ( - Fetching person with JOIN
2005-12-15 12:16:18,805 DEBUG ( - Building property person
2005-12-15 12:16:18,805 DEBUG ( - Cascading person with all
2005-12-15 12:16:18,806 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,807 DEBUG ( - Binding column active unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,807 DEBUG ( - binding property active with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,808 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for active
2005-12-15 12:16:18,808 DEBUG ( - Building property active
2005-12-15 12:16:18,809 DEBUG ( - Cascading active with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,809 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,810 DEBUG ( - Binding column password unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,811 DEBUG ( - binding property password with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,811 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for password
2005-12-15 12:16:18,812 DEBUG ( - Building property password
2005-12-15 12:16:18,812 DEBUG ( - Cascading password with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,813 DEBUG ( - Processing annotations of
2005-12-15 12:16:18,814 DEBUG ( - Binding column userName unique false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,815 DEBUG ( - binding property userName with lazy=false
2005-12-15 12:16:18,816 DEBUG ( - building SimpleValue for userName
2005-12-15 12:16:18,816 DEBUG ( - Building property userName
2005-12-15 12:16:18,817 DEBUG ( - Cascading userName with null
2005-12-15 12:16:18,818 DEBUG ( - ResourceBundle ValidatorMessages not found. Delegate to org.hibernate.validator.resources.DefaultValidatorMessages
2005-12-15 12:16:18,820 DEBUG (Annotat