Yes, that fixed the problem with the Membership class. Its previously discussed Transient methods (getData) are now ignored, and no exception is thrown.
However, now that we can proceed past Membership, a new problem has developed that ALSO did not exist in the previous version.
This new problem involves a generically typed entity, and throws the same exception as mentioned previously in this thread. I've included the entity source below -- all three getters throw that exception.
When using:
returnedClass = method.getReturnType();
instead of extractType, everything works perfectly with regards to this generic entity.
Please let me know if you need additional information.
public class LifecycleHistory<STATE extends Enum, REASON extends Enum> extends Model{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8445979354786791933L;
private STATE previousLifecycle;
private STATE newLifecycle;
private REASON newLifecycleReason;
public STATE getNewLifecycle() {
return newLifecycle;
public void setNewLifecycle(STATE lifecycle) {
this.newLifecycle = lifecycle;
public REASON getNewLifecycleReason() {
return newLifecycleReason;
public void setNewLifecycleReason(REASON lifecycle) {
this.newLifecycleReason = lifecycle;
public STATE getPreviousLifecycle() {
return previousLifecycle;
public void setPreviousLifecycle(STATE previousLifecycle) {
this.previousLifecycle = previousLifecycle;