Hi there,
I'm trying to get an entity listener to run, but without success. The problem seems to be that the listener class does not get loaded.
I've tried to get the following example to run:
http://docs.jboss.org/ejb3/app-server/tutorial/callbacks/callbacks.html which is from a JBoss tuturial.
I did not change anything in the example except for the package name. When I run a test case that persists an entity of type Customer, I'd expect to receive the log output from the callback listener class as described in the example. But no output is generated, although the Customer has been persisted successfully. :(
So I added a static block to the CustomerCallbackListener that simply throws an IllegalArgumentException. As even this exception does not appear in the log output, it seems the callback listener does not get loaded.
Is there anything special I have to do to get the callback listener to run? Are those callback listeners supported in Hibernate?
I'm using Hibernate 3.1rc2 with Hibernate-Annotations 3.1beta6 on Windows XP.
Would be grateful for any hints!
- bitbyter