I love this feature and really hope this will become part of the EJB3 spec if not part or JSE itself someday.
The missing feature I find is when using the @Valid annotation to perform recursive validations.
Imagine a simple object graph. We have Customer which has Contact which has firstName, lastName, phone, fax, email. Phone and fax are instances of blah.model.Phone.
In Customer
public Contact getContact() ...
In Contact
public Phone getPhone() ...
public Phone getFax() ...
In Phone
@Pattern(regex=PHONE_REGEXP, message="must match {regex}")
public String getNumber()...
now we code:
ClassValidator<Customer> customerValidator = new ClassValidator(Customer.class);
InvalidValue[] validationMessages = customerValidator.getInvalidValues(customer);
for (InvalidValue value : validationMessages) {
log.debug("getBean() = " + value.getBean());
log.debug("getBeanClass() = " + value.getBeanClass());
log.debug("getMessage() = " + value.getMessage());
log.debug("getPropertyName() = " + value.getPropertyName());
log.debug("getValue() = " + value.getValue());
errors.rejectValue(value.getPropertyName(), value.getMessage(), value.getMessage());
// The errors bit is from Spring, and just how I would capture the message and return it to the view layer.
If I have junk in my phone and fax values, the InvalidValue array tells me that I have a problem in Class Phone, propertyName number for both phone and fax.
What we need is a property to tell me the method hierarchy that was traversed to generate the validation error.
Something like a callStack returning a string: customer.contact.fax.number.