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 Post subject: set many to one property at the client side
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:46 am 

Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:38 am
Posts: 3

I want to know if there is someway to set a many to one association type property at the client side(When the instance is

detached) to a new reference when I know the id of the new object to be referred.

If we take sample Auction Project example.

public class Bid extends Persistent implements Serializable{
private AuctionItem item;
private float amount;
private Date datetime;
private User bidder;



public Bid getBid(Long bidId){

Bid bid;

// takes the session form Session factor
// returns the bid
// closes the session

return bid; (This instance will be detached when it is tranferred to the client side while serialization)

public void saveBid(Bid bid){
// takes the session form Session factor
// Merge the bid object
// commit changes and closes the session

//Method at the clientside
public void updateBid() throws Exception {

Bid bid = auctionFacade.getBid(new Long(1)); //fetches the detached instance of Bid from Server Side

/* I want to update the Bidder of the Bid to a different User Instance whose ID is known.
(I understand that it does not make much business sense to update the bidder of the bid,
but I have a genuine case where I want to update the association between 2 objects in
exactly similar case).*/

/* The only way I can think of is getting the user instance from server as follows*/

User newUser=AuctionFacade.getUser(userId);


/* this is not acceptable to me since it requires a server round trip. My client is actually
on a wan and I can not afford the performance loss due to this. I need to do something where I
can create a Proxy type thing of the user instance just on the basis of the userid.*/

bid.setUser(??) // What can I do here?



I hope the above explains my problem. Thanks in advance for the solution.

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