1) it would complicate/prevent joins in the update statement. If not, could you please provide an example to the contrary?
Well, thats the whole point actually. Not all databases support joins (nor even aliased tables even) in UPDATE/DELETE statements.
2) it deviates from both its native SQL counterpart
Huh? Very few databases actually allow joins in UPDATE or DELETE statements. And a good many complain if you even attempt to alias the table in a UPDATE or DELETE statement, as I mentioned above.
Also, I use a composite PK class for an entity and couldn't use it in my statement as:
"update <EntityName> set <bla-bla-bla> where <compositePKClassInstanceName.attribute = :someValue".
Using the PK class attribute directly on the entity class however as follows:
"update <EntityName> set <bla-bla-bla> where attribute = :someValue".
, it worked.
Well, if true, that would be a bug.