We have a project based on hibernate/spring/xdoclet. We are trying to upgrade to hibernate 3.0/spring 1.2/xdoclet 1.3. However, the new version of Xdoclet does not seem to support Any types as I
Schema text failed: Could not determine type for column CONTAINER_TYPE of type org.hibernate.type.AnyType: java.lang.NullPointerException
We are using any types to implement Dependency Inversion Principle where the association class could be anything. For example, we have Role class that can be either associated with User or Group. Ideally, we would like to implement this as an interface. Let's call this MyPrincipal interface. However, if I use the interface in the association, I get:
Schema text failed: Association references unmapped class:
error. Is there any way to implement association to interfaces rather than concrete classes. I think this works for abstract class, but I haven't able to work with interfaces.
Thanks in advance.