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Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:15 pm Posts: 50
I can write a build file to generate code using codegen and using schema export tool in hibernate-2.1. However, what is the difference in hibernate 3.0? Is there anyone who has a sample build file with just the snippet of code for the targets for codegen or for schema export? I want to convert to hibernate 3.0 but not sure which jar files to copy over or how to change my build file because if I just copy all the jar files to hibernate 3.0 from hibernate 2.1 then it won't really be hibernate 3.0. Do I have to dl a new hibernate-tools.jar or new hiber8ide.jar file for hibernate 3.0?
Any help appreciated. A sample build file would benice because I can see the path name for schema export tool because in my current build file it is: net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExportTask
Thank you,