Hibernate version:3.rc1
Please, sorry if i have post again this problem, but it's very important for me.
i have this hbm file, but don't work for my problem.
my association with my legacy data it's very bad.
I don't know whether to explain me in English, but I have to turn this query into hibernate, I pray you they are days that are firm in this point.
Select datidb,eltb from table where cdtbtb='CMP' and trim(CDELTB)=CMPFMO
Hope in you.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping SYSTEM "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >
<class name="vo.as400.ModeVO" table="sdgtwb_dat.arcmo00f" lazy="false">
<composite-id name="modevopk" class="vo.pk.ModeVOPK" >
<key-property name="stagmo" column="stagmo" type="string"/>
<key-property name="modemo" column="modemo" type="string"/>
<property name="de20mo" column="de20mo" type="string" />
<property name="da30mo" column="da30mo" type="string" />
<many-to-one name="cmpfmo" class="vo.as400.CCmpf" lazy="false" update="false" insert="false">
<column name="CMPFMO"/>