scesbron wrote:
Two points you have to check
- your must be in your classpath if you want schemaexport to find it by default (it seems that for your it is in the etc folder)
- Maybe you have to give a classpath attribute to the SchemaExport task in order for it to find your classes
but if you put the in the classpath, running schemaexport in a main is as easy as
new SchemaExport(new Configuration().configure()).create(true, false);
you set true in the first parameter if you want to generate a script and true for the second if you want to create the database directly
I'll try playing around with classpath more. The seems to get picked up from etc when I run 'ant eg', so I'll look at that task to see if anything obvious is different.
Unfortunately, I CAN'T run schemaexport in a main to Firebird, because I have to have exclusive DB access to do some of the operations and I only seem to be able to get it from the command line. That's why I've disabled this from the example and I'm trying to save the schema off to a file in hopes of sending it manually to Firebird.