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 Post subject: Hibernate Lucene Hangs while calling startAndWait()
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:49 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:42 am
Posts: 2
I am using hibernate lucene search(4.5.1) in my application in the cloud environment. For each tenant a separate hibernate configuration is maintained (all the properties are same except hibernate.search.default.indexBase property. Each tenant has separate filesystem location). While starting the application I made the logic to index some table data by unique location for each tenant (eg: d:/dbindex/tenant1/, d:/dbindex/tenant2/) by calling the method Search.getFullTextSession(session).createIndexer().startAndWait(). For the first tenant every thing is fine, index was perfectly done. For the second tenant the startAndWait is not completed. It doesn't comes out from the startAndWait() but some time it is working. Some time doesn't comes out from the startAndWait(). After a serious debugging I found that BatchIndexingWorkspace has two thread producer and consumer where producer take the list of Id from DB and put it in queue and Consumer takes and indexes it. At the producer side (IdentifierProducer) a method named inTransactionWrapper has a statement

Transaction transaction = Helper.getTransactionAndMarkForJoin( session );

The statement transaction.begin() gets hangs and transaction doesn't begins so producer is not produced so consumer didn't indexed and startAndWait freezes. After a long search some post says that pool size will make a dead lock. But I am using BoneCPConnectionProvider with maxConnectionsPerPartition with 50 (per tenant). I monitored the active connection while starting, it doesn't exceed 10. More connection are available. But I don't know what is the problem.

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