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 Post subject: Searching in embedded Collections
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:01 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:04 am
Posts: 6

I don't get it working....
Following example:

I have a class 'Movie', which holds a list of 'Actors'.
An Actor has a 'name' and a 'role'

When I search for movies with actor.name = 'Cruise' and actor.role = 'Mainactor', i will receive a list with all movies, which contain actors with name = 'Cruise' and which have some other actor (no matter, which name!!! thats the Problem!) with a role = 'Mainactor'. So i will e.g. get movies with actor.name = 'Hanks' and actor.role='Mainactor'
What i want is a list with movies, where an actor with name = 'Cruise' exists and where this actor has the role 'Mainactor'
So I want to achieve some kind of 'join' between movies and actors with an 'where'-clause, as it would be in sql...

I tried an 'inner' BooleanQuery where i added the 'actor'-field and which i added to the 'MainQueue', but this doesn't have any effect....

How does this work? I don't get it....

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