Hi, I need to have the property hibernate.search.default.indexBase set from System properties. This works like a charm when JBoss is freshly restarted. However if I undeploy my project and deploy it again with another hibernate.search.default.indexBase set in System properties, Hibernate Search will still use the old indexbase prior the redeploy which is now nowhere to be found in the system properties. Another indexBase setting will not work until I restart JBoss.
For debug purposes I log the system property value just before starting the indexing and that output is correct as far as the property value go, but it's not what's used by Hibernate Search.
I am using the following: JBoss EAP 6, Hibernate Search 4.3.0 Final, I have also tested it on 4.1.0 and I got the same problem there.
Anyone able to shed some light on this? Is it a bug perhaps? Thanks!