Hi, I tried to test POI entity in the hibernate-search-4.2.1.Final test suite.
I copied the POI class to my ejb project in Netbeans 7.2.1 editor and found that Netbeans raised error message for its syntax error on the POI class name:
The class must use a consistent access type (either field or property).
There is no ID defined for this entity hierarchy.
When I hit ctrl-enter keys, it shown me hint how to resolve it, its recommendation is "unify field access" and "unify property access".
Netbeans doesn't like the following codes in the POI class:
@Field(store = Store.YES, index = Index.YES, analyze = Analyze.NO)
@FieldBridge(impl = SpatialFieldBridgeByQuadTree.class)
public Coordinates getLocation() {
return new Coordinates() {
public Double getLatitude() {
return latitude;
public Double getLongitude() {
return longitude;
Is there any way I can rectify this error from netbeans?
The project is a maverized ear project.