Lucene doesn't use Log4J so it won't log anything.
What about HibernateSearch, is right config like this:
You're not necessarily going to get a new field for each document, there is no relation.
Can You explain me this? If I un_tokenize titles, I have as many titles as inserted docs (one title for every doc). How is posible not to have same number of un_tokenized text fields?
Yes you could use a PhraseQuery.
UN_TOKENIZED means that it will match only exact queries, such as TermQuery, and is often not practical if it's a long string; this is actually so unlikely that I think we don't have a test to cover it. I'll add one for the sake of completeness, but I'd suggest you to look into PhraseQuery or other Query options as what you're trying to do would be very inefficient, and not very flexible.
Maybe I didn't understand it from HibSearchInAction book, but I think that I must have UN_TOKENIZED field to search phrase in text content (with slop factor)? Or I am not right?
Btw, Thanks for fast replays.