Hey all,
I'm using Hibernate Search to do some nice analytical/searching work, but ran into a bug.
Using facets, I get back all the information I originally need based on a lucene query, but when I try to get the associated objects (javax.persistence.Query.getResultList()) I get
"Prepared or callable statement has more than 2000 parameter markers." on sql server/jtds.
Trimming for smaller results under 2k works fine, but since I'm using hibernate search intentionally on larger results (because, hey, it's faster than the RDBMS for string style searching/analytics) I was hoping it would be easy to then use the results in a normal/standard (JPA/entity list) way. Paginating the results does not seem to matter, as it appears it is more the size of the resulting SQL query based on the results of the Search query.
I see a
https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HHH-1123 that has been open since 2005 related to Oracle issue, with references to similar problem on sql server. Has anyone had luck overcoming this problem?
HibSearch 3.4.1.final, hibernate-entitymanager 3.6.7.final