Hi, while I'm monitoring with great interest all improvements in Lucene - especially regarding proper JOIN support - we don't have plans regarding the 'BlockJoinQuery' specifically, especially since it's not in lucene-core but in contrib: sometimes there are some pearls there, but there are no guarantees at all about maintenance of these extensions, getting stuck depending on something not maintained would be a nasty problem.
The "addDocuments" call itself would not be hard to make use of, as even now we have to reindex all child elements, but I would be way happier if in fact we could avoid loading objects from the database to rewrite the child information.
I appreciate you're looking into this.. in fact since yuo're asking for our plans, we discuss about plans publicly on the developer mailing list, if you're interested to read or even propose any improvement please join the list ;) Also if you have other ideas for improved joins, we would be interested to hear about it.
_________________ Sanne http://in.relation.to/