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 Post subject: Fined Grained IndexEmbedded Options In The Pipeline?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:49 pm 

Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:17 pm
Posts: 20
Location: Portland OR
I'm currently using Hibernate Search 3.2.1, and have searched future versions and don't see support for more fine grained @IndexEmbedded options. I was wondering if anything is in the pipeline for this, or if it has been considered by rejected for some reason.

I find that entities that are referenced by a lot of different types I frequently don't want to index the same way, depending on what type is doing the referencing. Depth is a bit of a blunt tool to control this. Something like:

class A{
       paths={"d.one", "d.two"}
   private C see;

class B{
       paths={"foo", "d.two"}
   private C see;

class C{
   private Collection<D> d;
   private int foo;

class D{
   int one;
   int two;

Where both type A, and B want to index C, but they index different fields. This would also be a nice 'per path' way to control depth as opposed saying depth = N, and all properties are traversed until depth N is reached along each path. Which is the source of a lot of overkill indexing in our app. Especially if relationships are bi-directional and there is no way to have it stop if a cycle is formed.

Is something like this in the works? I know I'd probably replace every @IndexEmbedded(depth=N) in our app with this if it was available.

TIA for feedback.

 Post subject: Re: Fined Grained IndexEmbedded Options In The Pipeline?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:54 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:47 pm
Posts: 2536
Location: Third rock from the Sun
I like your proposal, it makes perfect sense to list the paths in alternative to the depth. Indeed people know the path they'll search for, but controlling that via a depth option is hard to get right, and less explicit.
This kind of proposals we usual discuss on the developer's mailing list, I'm writing there now to point out this post; please join.

. I was wondering if anything is in the pipeline for this, or if it has been considered by rejected for some reason.

No I don't remember this was ever considered.


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