Thank you. Unfortunately I thought scoring was causing my sorting problems and it does not appear to be that anymore. I'm not sure if i should start a new thread or just ask here. But we have the ability for the user to select "exact text search" to match all the n-grams using and's. With this selected the sorting is perfect(sort by score then time) but when it is not selected the scores are all the same(or close enough) but the times are not ordered properly.
For more clarity on how they are skewed: Each log message was given a number when logged 1 through 10,000 so when returned properly it should count down from 10,000 but without "exact text match" selected it goes 998, 995, 980, 975, 966.....
Here is the exact text match search query string example and the default one was given in the first post "+<<+message:bla +message:las +message:ase>>"
Thank you again for your continued help.