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 Post subject: MassIndexer throws "No row with given identifier..."
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:11 am 

Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:00 am
Posts: 14
Hi Sanne,

I have implemented a mass indexer to index records. For some foreign keys we do not have records in reference table. Say if employee is in dept 40, but dept table does not have record for dept_id 40.

In such case MassIndexer throws the following exception, is there a way to ignore in such cases and proceed with next row?

[ERROR] 25 May 2011 18:30:28,193 [Hibernate Search: collectionsloader-1] [org.hibernate.search.batchindexing.EntityConsumerLu
ceneworkProducer.run():103] : error during batch indexing:
org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [com.tele.bean.Apps#1]
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl$2.handleEntityNotFound(SessionFactoryImpl.java:435)
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.checkTargetState(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:189)
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:178)
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:215)
at org.hibernate.search.util.HibernateHelper.unproxy(HibernateHelper.java:62)
at org.hibernate.search.engine.impl.HibernateStatelessInitializer.unproxy(HibernateStatelessInitializer.java:48)
at org.hibernate.search.engine.DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.buildDocumentFields(DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.java:459
at org.hibernate.search.engine.DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.buildDocumentFields(DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.java:552
at org.hibernate.search.engine.DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.getDocument(DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.java:443)
at org.hibernate.search.engine.DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.createAddWork(DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.java:380)
at org.hibernate.search.batchindexing.EntityConsumerLuceneworkProducer.index(EntityConsumerLuceneworkProducer.java:16
at org.hibernate.search.batchindexing.EntityConsumerLuceneworkProducer.indexAllQueue(EntityConsumerLuceneworkProducer
at org.hibernate.search.batchindexing.EntityConsumerLuceneworkProducer.run(EntityConsumerLuceneworkProducer.java:99)
at org.hibernate.search.batchindexing.OptionallyWrapInJTATransaction.run(OptionallyWrapInJTATransaction.java:107)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:885)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:907)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
[INFO ] 25 May 2011 18:30:28,224 [main] [org.hibernate.search.impl.SimpleIndexingProgressMonitor.indexingCompleted():88] : Re

 Post subject: Re: MassIndexer throws "No row with given identifier..."
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:35 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:47 pm
Posts: 2536
Location: Third rock from the Sun
Hi mkkumar79,
I'm sorry but that's currently not possible. You could use the alternative indexing strategy ( http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#search-batchindex-flushtoindexes ) or contribute a patch to implement this feature; if you do, make sure it's optional to enable, as other users might not like this behaviour (as you're really having bad data).

An alternative, you could fix your data: it's a simple query to remove all stale foreign keys.


 Post subject: Re: MassIndexer throws "No row with given identifier..."
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:49 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:00 am
Posts: 14
Thanks Sanne. I will try out for a patch.

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