I'm having a problem with filters when I must use a collection to filter the query, the first time everything works fine, but the second time, if I change the number of parameters that I pass in parameterList method, sql launchs this error : "
Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 5".
I've seen in the output query that the number of IN parameters is fixed the first time this filter is launched. Next times the filter is waiting for the same number of params although the size of the collection passed in setParameterList has been changed.
These are the main lines of my code, and I think all seems to be ok :
@FilterDef(name = "types", parameters = @ParamDef(name = "typeIds", type = LONG_FQN))
@Filter(name = "types", condition = " AC_TYPE in (:typeIds)" )
session.enableFilter("types").setParameterList("typeIds", ids);
I hope that someone could help.
Thanks in advance.
PD. Sorry for my bad english :)