I have a custom Bridge for my Set, that generates a String like this when indexed by Lucene: "value1 value2 value3". I'm trying to use a Filter @Factory to filter the result inside the String returned by my custom Bridge, like this:
- Returned by Bridge: "value1 value2 value3"
- Filter the results that contains only: "value2", for example.
How can I do that? I'm trying the code bellow, and everything is working fine, but my custom Filter @Factory.
- Bridge:
public class NegotiationTypeBridge implements TwoWayFieldBridge
public void set(String name, Object value, Document document, LuceneOptions options)
if (!(value instanceof Set<?>))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object must be a Set.");
StringBuilder negotiations = new StringBuilder("");
final String token = " ";
Set<NegotiationType> negotiationTypes = (Set<NegotiationType>) value;
for (NegotiationType negotiationType : negotiationTypes)
Field field = new Field(name, negotiations.toString().trim(), options.getStore(),
if (options.getBoost() != null)
public Object get(String name, Document document)
Field field = (Field) document.getField("negotiationTypes");
return field.stringValue();
public String objectToString(Object object)
String negotiationTypes = (String) object;
return negotiationTypes;
Filter @Factory:
public class NegotiationTypeFilterFactory
private String negotiationType;
public void setNegotiationType(String negotiationType)
this.negotiationType = negotiationType;
public Filter buildFilter()
Term term = new Term("negotiationTypes", negotiationType);
TermQuery query = new TermQuery(term);
Filter filter = new QueryWrapperFilter(query);
filter = new CachingWrapperFilter(filter);
return filter;
public FilterKey getKey()
StandardFilterKey key = new StandardFilterKey();
return key;
Thank you!