This may be a chicken or egg thing. But it would be good if folder structure here on Page 80 provided a table to reconcile where resources exist. It's hard to see what's going on when you first hit this page!
(I hate unexplained forward references in books! They just cause tons of confusion)
I feel rather disgruntled that you didn't just list the jars!
I already had JBoss 4.2.2GA installed!
I downloaded jboss-EJB3.0_RC9_Patch1 just to try and find out what jars I need. And I still feel none the wiser.
Can someone give me a definitive list of what's required, so I can extract them out of JBoss AS 4.2.2GA (or RC9)?
BTW i) : url given for download is now
BTW ii) For any other readers in same situation. Listing 2.16 HelloWorld class uses
I've been able to track this puppy down in a couple of places:
jboss-embedded-all.jar which is part of
hibernate-search-3.0.1.GA in folder
b) In jar
jboss-ejb3-all.jar in two of the Caveat Emptor downloads (
caveatemptor-jpa-061211\lib &
Once again this is not in the jboss-EJB3.0_RC9_Patch1 download.
Why is nothing is where you'd expect it to be from reading the book?
It would be nice to know what the dependencies are for
jboss-embedded-all.jar? Can someone let me know?
Actually it would be good if you folks (JBoss/Hibernate etc) did some sort of diagram showing jar dependencies or something similar to the way works.
If there is something like this already do you have url or is it buried in readmes you have to download?
Where is this sucker? It's not in download!
I've seen a file in
ejb3.deployer folder of EJB3 download. The Caveat Emptor which exists for chapter 3 in download
caveatemptor-jpa-061211 has a
subset of these properties. Is this sufficient for chapter 2? (ANSWER YES.. Same in download jpwh-gettingstarted-070401)
ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml Can I take this from jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\all\deploy?(ANSWER NO.. The one in RC9 or is the one you want. It's also in jpwh-gettingstarted-070401 or caveatemptor-jpa-061211\src\etc\conf
They are all the same. Checked with Windiff...
AS 4.2.2GA uses DOCTYPE from and has <interceptor class="org.jboss.ejb3.remoting.ClusteredIsLocalInterceptor" scope="PER_VM"/> amongst other differences)
Started having to do Windiff on xml files to see which is best to use!
This is like pulling teeth! Not in keeping with rest of book to date.
embedded-jboss-beans.xmlManaged to locate one in Caveat Emptor-jpa-061211\src\etc\conf folder.
I can't think this relates to this chapter as it relates to quartz schedulers etc. Have been dealing with messages to this point!
(IT IS THE ONE YOU WANT. Compared this one to jpwh-gettingstarted-070401. Latter has extra bit of text saying
not needed without JMS. Which helps. Didn't realize all the stuff I'd seen was commented out anyway. Create tables and quartz scheduler... )
Does a listing later talk of this? (No)5) Same as 2..
java.naming.factory.initial org.jnp.interfaces.LocalOnlyContextFactory
java.naming.factory.url.pkgs org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces
Is this sufficient?
Right can cross this one off. It's on middle of P85. Would be ideal to give listing # to two lines. And yep. It's the same...
log4j.propertiesIs this the one from Listing 2.7 still?NO. Source from jpwh-gettingstarted-070401\helloworld-ejb3\src\etc folder of download.
# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout
# Hibernate logging options (INFO only shows startup messages)
# Log JDBC bind parameter runtime arguments
# JBoss EJB 3.0 container logging
# Disable warnings of noisy classes
Clarification, and general overhaul of this bit of book would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Jeremy
Also noted:
A) Directory structure on P80 is missing items from src/hello
B) updated persistence.xml is on P82
Have also seen these posts in another thread
fast deploy to the slow deploy:
The new release finds out the system path separator automatically.
This "new" version is this talking about.. Is this in one of these three files:
caveatemptor-jpa-061211, caveatemptor-native-061211 or downloadable from here:
Groan... I've just spotted the url which probably has the answers...
I'll shut up now crawl under the table in shame and have a dig around...
I could probably have been doing a lot less typing (Forum & source)! :)