Hello all,
I am trying to get the old version of CaveatEmptor to work in Eclipse 3.1, using mySql 4.0. When I run the Ant task junitreport I get the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/XalanExecutor
Now I think have followed all of the instructions, copying junit.jar into my Ant/lib directory and adding it to my project's build path, and I also got rid of ant-junit.jar, as per the README. But if I get rid of ant-xalan1.jar, also mentioned in the README, I get the same error. My understanding is that XalanExecutor *should* be in ant-xalan1.jar but going through the ant-xalan*.jar files in all of the Ant 1.6.x versions, there is only an Xalan1Executor class. If I go back to Ant 1.5.x all of these classes were still in optional.jar, and indeed the XalanExecutor is there but so are a bunch of other classes which have since been separated out to other jars, and as such I would have conflicts. Anyway, the Caveat README says you need Ant 1.6.x so that's not the solution obviously.
Can anyone illuminate me a bit?
Many thanx,