"Unfortunately, you cannot build an enterprise or web archive from the source code, and deploy and test the app on the server. I haven't even found web.xml file in the package. "
This is vendor dependent. It's also what you are paid to do :)
"HibernateFilter should be invoked after that, however, according to the spec filters are invoked BEFORE servlets, not AFTER"
I wonder what is so difficult about this:
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
// There is actually no explicit "opening" of a Session, the
// first call to HibernateUtil.beginTransaction() in control
// logic (e.g. use case controller/event handler) will get
// a fresh Session.
try {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
// Commit any pending database transaction.
} finally {
// No matter what happens, close the Session.
The chain.doFilter() call executes the action and renders the JSP. Please read the documentation of Servlet filters again.