I'm trying to use hibernate tools in eclipse to reverse engineer a complex db, and I sometimes get "org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.ExporterException: Error while processing Entity: persist.eXacto.Left with template pojo/Pojo.ftl" type exceptions.
After much tries, I have been able to track the error down to the following schema:
https://smg8.ulb.ac.be/hib/SQLdiag.gif . The sql to create the problematic schema is the following:
https://smg8.ulb.ac.be/hib/create_DB.sql .
I use a MS SQL database.
The stack trace reported by Hibernate tools through the eclipse error log is here:
https://smg8.ulb.ac.be/hib/stacktrace.log . The configuration files are here:
https://smg8.ulb.ac.be/hib/logback.xml ;
https://smg8.ulb.ac.be/hib/hibernate.reveng.xml ;
https://smg8.ulb.ac.be/hib/persistence.xml .
I have not been able to log anything else from Hibernate other than the error stacktrace here above, altough I tried to configure logback correctly and enabled sql debugging in persistence.xml. I suppose I forgot something?
Please tell me if you need any other information. I am beginner in Hibernate. Thank you for any help or pointer.