I'm trying to make it works Hibernate Ant Tools reading the guide:
My goal is to generate classed using reverse enginnering file, I already did it using eclipse plugin, but I'd prefer using ant.
The first thing I've noticed is that I had some confusion collecting all the right jars, because this list
<path id="toolslib">
<path location="lib/hibernate-tools.jar" />
<path location="lib/hibernate3.jar" />
<path location="lib/freemarker.jar" />
<path location="${jdbc.driver.jar}" />
didn't satisfy at all the required libraries for generating java classes.
So , basically, I copied all the jars from eclipse plugin and put into my ant project, and then worked.
My question is:
which jars are really needed?
Moreover, the documentation brought me at http://hibernate.org/tools/ but the download link refers to all jboss tools.
Is it an expected behaviour ?