Hibernate version:
Hibernate Tools 3.2.0.CR1
Mapping documents: et followings
I would like to reverse engineering a db (no matter wich and which version) generating pojo, dao and hbm. This is easy :)
I would like NOT to have date changed every single time, beacause it can be really annoying when using versioning tools.
For dao generation I resolved this way: I mad dir Plugins, put inside dir dao and inside daohome.ftl (downloaded from the net); I then removed tag {date} from template and everything was fine.
I tried to do the same with hbm, making dir hbm, putting inside hibernate-mapping.hbm.ftl, then removing tag date. It actually did not write the date, but it generated almost empty HBMs, with just header inside. Then I got all the array, bag, column, component, filter-def, etc. .hbm.ftl stuff and put them in the hbm dir, leaving them unchanged. Nothing different: almost empty hbms.
So, what is the best (on simplicity-efficiency-flexibility axis) way to perform the following task: reverse engineering generic db obtaining pojo, hbm and dao files with slight changes from default result?
Thanks in advance
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